Vision - This is my personal site. It holds my artwork, comics, flash animations, films, and more info about me!

Commission Me! - This is my commission website. Here you can find out how much it will cost you to request a special drawing from me. If you are interested in purchasing my artwork then please stop by here!

The Saviors - This was my first online comic that I started back in my freshman year of high school. It was a comedy that took place in the future and centered around a group of aliens. It is no longer updated, but the three volumes I finished are still online for everyone to read.

Randomosity - Part comic strip, part comic book, and a whole lot of random shitsa! Because life is random! **coming in Summer 2007**

MRC @ Deviant Art - My deviant art account. You can find my most recent artwork and ramblings here! XD

I see you!